Self-care is a buzzword these days with good reason!  Life is busier than ever before, stress levels are high, and there are never enough hours in the day.  Whether you are juggling children, career, finances, or aging parents, it all takes a toll.  We allow our nutrition, exercise and quality of sleep to fall by the wayside; the very things that keep us healthy, sane, and happy in the first place.

The key to self-care is triggering the relaxation response and there are many ways to do this.  Pilates, Meditation, Yoga, spending time in nature, getting a massage, or even lying down for 5 minutes and taking long, slow, deep breaths.  But one of the easiest and most effective ways is through the power of essential oils.

We use essential oils in three ways; aromatically, topically, and internally.

Here are 5 oils recommended for self-care, which can be easily incorporated into a morning and evening routine for optimal health.

Balance:  This grounding blend of tree oils calms and centers the mind. It can be used topically undiluted any time of day.   Keep it by your bedside and place a few drops on the feet first thing upon awakening, then take 2-3 drops in the palms of your hands, rub the hands together and hold cupped hands up to the face for take 5 long slow deep breaths.  A beautiful and really easy way to start the day; centered in your body, mind, and heart.

Lemon:  First thing in the morning try 2-3 drops of lemon in 12-16 oz of water.  Lemon cleanses the body – it makes the body alkaline, it boosts metabolism, and it naturally detoxes the system to start the day off right.

Breathe:  Leave it in your bathroom and throw a few drops on the walls and floor of the shower to create a spa-like effect.  Breathe is a blend of peppermint, lemon, tea tree, eucalyptus, ravintsara, and ravensara, and is incredible for opening the airways and increasing our capacity for breath (deeper breathing triggers the relaxation response).

Frankincense:  This powerhouse enhances the benefits of any oil that you pair it with.  It is anti-inflammatory and is incredible to support brain function and boost the immune system.  Press it to the roof of the mouth for immediate access to the brain, as well as to relieve anxiety.  It can also be used to support sleep, whether diffused with lavender or used with Epsom salts in a relaxing bath before bed.

Lavender:  Is soothing topically for the skin and is a natural antihistamine.  For sunburn, bug bites, and burns of any kind, in the same way that it calms our skin it calms our emotions.  Use it anytime you are feeling stressed, combine it with frankincense in a diffuser or bath, diffuse it with breathe at night if you are feeling under the weather.

This is just the tip of the iceberg when it comes to essential oils amazing benefits.  To purchase the a starter kit, use this link:

With your purchase you will receive a welcome gift in the mail with useful tools for incorporating essential oils into your life, ongoing education and support and a complimentary wellness consultation to create protocols customized for you.

Be well!

This guest post was written by Jessica Bellofatto, certified aromatherapist, yoga teacher of 26 years, and stand up paddle board pioneer and teacher.