Evolution Pilates Health and Wellness Coaching

Transform your life with personalized health and wellness coaching that brings you to the peak of happiness and health – sustainably and joyfully.

Living a healthy and fulfilling life starts with making informed choices around habit-based lifestyle changes. However, despite your best efforts, achieving and maintaining wellness feels like a constant struggle. You’re bombarded with generic health advice that doesn’t seem to fit your unique lifestyle and needs.

That’s where Evolution Pilates Health and Wellness coaching comes in. We understand the challenges that you are facing and we are here to guide and support you. We will help you make incremental changes to your lifestyle that will result in you becoming the happiest and healthiest version of yourself – FOR LIFE!

How We Craft Your Path to Wellness

Our journey begins with recognizing that wellness isn’t a one-size-fits-all. That’s why we are dedicated to creating a personalized game plan tailored just for you. We’ll focus on behaviors known to drive health and wellness, including:

  • Eating a balanced diet free from processed foods and sugar
  • Incorporating regular movement into your day
  • Staying hydrated
  • Prioritizing sleep
  • Managing stress effectively
  • Maintaining a positive outlook with purpose, meaning, and connection

Our approach is grounded in practical, science-backed strategies to improve key areas of your life. Through incremental changes you will be able to leverage the transfer effect, where a positive change in one area of life creates positive change in another. You will crowd out the behaviors that you want to eliminate and remove friction on the ones you want to build.

Together we will work on improvements in all wellness areas of your lifestyle until the changes become automatic, just like breathing. This will result in compounding positive and lasting change.

Making Lifestyle Change Effortless and Enjoyable

We keep it all simple, attainable, and measurable.  The best results come when you do what you love and routinize it. Here is how we do it:

  • Personalized Assessment: We start by understanding your unique situation, goals, and preferences.

  • Customized Game Plan: Based on our assessment, we’ll create a tailored plan of personalized lifestyle modifications that is realistic and adaptable focusing on small, manageable changes that fit seamlessly into your life.

  • Simple, Achievable Steps: We’ll introduce simple daily hacks that are easy to incorporate and lead to significant, long-lasting amazing improvements.

  • Continuous Support and Adaptation: We’ll be with you every step of the way, offering support and adjusting your plan as your needs evolve. We provide information, resources, and support, but ultimately you get to decide what works for you.

Imagine a life where wellness is not a struggle but a natural part of your day. You’re nourished, active, well-rested, and in harmony with your body and mind. This isn’t just a dream – it’s a reachable goal with our personalized health and wellness coaching in Port Washington NY.

Meet Your Coach Mo Wolfe

I am the owner and founder of Evolution Pilates and a self professed wellness junkie.  My deep dive into the world of wellness was born out of necessity and became a passion.  20 years ago I was diagnosed with Hashimoto’s Thyroiditis which explained some of my frustration with how hard I was working without results.  For as long as I can remember my stomach would hurt all the time.  A very stressful time in my life sent my stomach issues into overdrive.  Through medical testing and an elimination diet I discovered my personal triggers.  By learning about foods that would help me and eliminating foods that hurt me, I began to transform my health.  The changes were astounding and I would share what I had learned with anyone who would listen.  In 2017 I completed the IIN Health Coaching Program and am thrilled to finally expand on this passion and share it with all of you.

What’s Included in the Health and Wellness Coaching Program:

  • Weekly 50-minute virtual coaching sessions on Zoom.
  • Workbooks and planners.
  • Recipes, meal prep and shopping guides with links to purchase.
  • Concierge service to like-minded professionals.
  • Simple, specific “do this not that” cheat sheets.
  • Vitamin, mineral and Supplement guides with links to curated products.
  • Healthy Book Club with our favorite wellness books.
  • Review of your exercise routine and recommendations to get your results.


  • Consultation FREE 

  • Single $105 

  • 1 Month $499 (5 sessions)
  • 2 Months $999 (10 sessions)
  • 3 Months $1399 (15 sessions) 

Your Happiest, Healthiest Self Is Waiting

Don’t let another day go by feeling less than your best. It’s time to move from feeling overwhelmed and stuck in unhealthy patterns to being empowered, vibrant, and in control of your wellness. Sign up for a complimentary consultation with Mo today!

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